If you have misshapen or misaligned teeth, there are two treatment options available. You can either opt for veneers or crowns depending on the severity of the problem. At Advanced Smile Clinic, we only recommend procedures after a thorough examination of our patient’s teeth. Dr. Laura Perez will study your dental history; conduct an in-depth assessment, before offering her recommendations.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are wafer-thin pieces of porcelain that are placed on top of your teeth to disguise imperfections. They are around one millimeter thick and only cover the front portion of your teeth.

What are Crowns?

Crowns are dental prosthetics designed to replace lost dental matter while giving damaged teeth some structure. They’re around two millimeters thick and cover the entire tooth.

Which One To Choose?

This depends on your dental health. Patients with fundamentally damaged teeth have weakened the dental structure, so they need crowns for additional support. If you have a large cavity, root canal, or a big crack, a crown will be a good option.

If a patient’s teeth are relatively intact and structurally sound, veneers are a great option. These are a cosmetic procedure designed to disguise stains, small chips, minor misalignments, or tiny cracks.

Both are Permanent

Our dentist must remove some dental matter to make room for veneers or crowns. You sacrifice more enamel with crowns and only lose around one millimeter for veneers. However, once the procedure is complete, there’s no going back. Both crowns and veneers last for around 10-15 years based on how well you maintain them.

As an experienced cosmetic dentist in Gables, FL, Dr. Perez understands both of these treatments well. She will explain all the advantages and disadvantages in detail so you can make an informed decision. It is a good idea to explore your options carefully because both procedures require a lifelong commitment. Our doctor will also check to see if the patient is the right candidate before recommending a procedure.

If you want to know more or want a consultation with a trusted cosmetic dentist in Coral Gables, FL, call us at Advanced Smile Clinic. Dr. Laura Perez will be happy to help.